BioniX Desktop Wallpaper Rotator
Files installed by BioniX Wallpaper
How to uninstall BioniX Wallpaper using the automatic uninstaller?
You can uninstall BioniX from Control Panel -> Add/Remove programs.
If the automatic installer fails it could be because you accidentally installed BioniX directly in Program Files (without using a subfolder). Please proceed to manual uninstalling.
How to uninstall BioniX Wallpaper manually?
BioniX Wallpaper does not install files in your Windows' core. To uninstall BioniX Wallpaper just: 1. Close the program. 2. Delete the whole folder where it is installed.
Note: If the program cannot be deleted it means that you did not properly close it. Start the Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Esc) and end the BioniX task. Now you will be able to delete it.
How to obtain support for manual uninstalling?
We only offer support to the customers that purchased the "Customer support" package.
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