The Monitor Overview panel
The panel on the left-side below represents the "Preview" window, while the mini-monitors of the right-side of the screenshot (the Monitor overview) represent your physical monitors. If your system has only one monitor then you will see only one mini-monitor.
Changing monitor settings
You can apply individual settings to each monitor. To access the monitor settings, right click any of the monitors:
Wallpaper span
Click the Wallpaper Span to change how BioniX will generate wallpapers for each monitor (if you have a multi-monitor system). Clone wallpaper on all monitors Each monitor will show the same wallpaper. The wallpaper will be stretched independently to fit to each monitor.
Individual wallpaper A different wallpaper will be set to each monitor.
Expand wallpaper on all monitors The same wallpaper (if large enough) will be stretched across multiple monitors.
Smart tabContent
BioniX Desktop Background Switcher can automatically decide how to fit an image that is smaller or bigger than your desktop.
BioniX Background Switcher offers you the possibility to set the wallpaper in miscellaneous ways:
Custom zoom
You can use this function to zoom the wallpaper to any value you want. Custom zoom function is useful for small images. Recommended value: under 40%.
With the Smart stretch function you can enlarge the wallpaper on your desktop as much as you want. You can choose from two functions:
If Smart Stretch function is active then BioniX Desktop Background Switcher will proportionally stretch an image to make it the same size as your desktop. You will not loose any part of the image. If this function is inactive then the image size will not be reduced and some parts of the image will be out of screen.
Very small pictures look pixelated if they are enlarged too much. Enable small images with no more than x% will prevent this from happening.
Smart tile/Tile effects
If Smart Tile function is active and the image is much much smaller than your desktop, it will be automatically tiled. Tile tiny images
Tile images that are x% of your desktop's area - tiny images will be tiled. Tiny images should not be enlarged because they will look poor. Instead, they can be tiled. Here you can specify how small an images should be (relative to the resolution of your monitor) to consider it "tiny". The default value is 34%. If the wallpaper's height is smaller than 34% of your desktop's height then the wallpaper will be tiled. If we set the spin box above 30%, the desktop will look like the second screenshot:
If the wallpaper's height is at least 34% of your desktop's height, then the Perfect tile effect will be applied.
Perfect tile
If an image needs to be tiled and its height is pretty big (over 34% of desktop's height) BioniX Desktop Background Switcher will tile it only horizontally but not also vertically. In other words, the image will look like a band over the entire length of the desktop with black stripes above and below.
Tile - The mirror effect
Tile vertically if height its below x% of your desktop's height - if the image is tall enough it will be tilled only horizontally. The result will be more "natural". Otherwise, the image will be tiled also vertically. Horizontal mirror - if the image has about the same size as your desktop then it will be tiled only on horizontal. The effect will be much pleasant to your eyes. Vertical mirror - applies a mirror effect on every odd image while tilling the small images.
The first screenshot is without mirror effect. As you can see there is a clear and unpleasant separation between images. The second screenshot shows the wallpaper with the mirror effect applied. As you can see the images are nicely merged.
The wallpaper will be stretched until all empty spaces on your desktop will be removed. The wallpaper may be distorted. We recommend you to use BioniX Smart enlarge/stretch function instead.
The image will be duplicated many times until all the empty spaces on your desktop will be filled. We recommend you to use BioniX Smart tile instead.
Background info
Many times you have walked up to a system in your office and you needed to click through several diagnostic windows to remind yourself of important aspects of its configuration, such as computer's name, local IP address, operating system version, or how much free memory you have left. If you manage multiple computers the easiest way to find out the information you need is to use BioniX Background Switcher. Such as BGInfo, BioniX Background Switcher v9 also shows a full hardware report directly on top of your wallpaper.
BioniX Background Switcher shows the background information by simply writing a new desktop bitmap and exits so you don't have to worry about it consuming system resources or interfering with other applications.
BioniX Background Switcher shows on wallpaper the following hardware information:
This feature is available in BioniX Background Switcher v9.
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